“Precision Medicine is Made Possible by Metabolicomics: "A White Paper,Community Perspective”


  • Afaq Khattak Department of Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery, PAEC General Hospital, Islamabad Author
  • Saqib Ullah Department of Pharmacy, COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus, Abbottabad, KPK Author


Metabolomics is the extensive examination of the metabolome, which encompasses all the biochemicals or compounds found in cells. Body fluids and tissues are encompassed. The subject of global or "-omics" metabolism research is experiencing tremendous growth and has gained significant importance in recent times. The capacity to exert significant influence over medical professions. The fundamental principle underlying metabolomics is that the metabolic condition of an individual serves as a reasonably reliable indicator of their overall health to some degree. This specific metabolic state is an indication of the changes in genetic informationcaused by environmental variables, dietary intake, and the microorganisms residing in the gastrointestinal tract. During gene expression research, it is often unclear how the metabolic profile accurately reflects the biochemical condition, which might range from normal physiology to various pathophysiology’s. Currently, medical personnel have access to only a small fraction of the vast amount of information included in the metabolome. This is because they regularly analyze a restricted range of blood chemistry analytes to assess the conditions of health and disease. Another example is the surveillance of glucose levels for individuals with diabetes. The White Paper aims to utilize metabolomics as a facilitative tool for precision medicine and to achieve anticipated treatment outcomes. In the future, we expect that the limited set of chemical tests currently used by the medical community will be substituted with studies that offer a significantly more comprehensive metabolic profile. This signature is expected to identify global biochemical abnormalities that correspond to variations in wellness states, accurately characterize specific diseases and the progression of their therapies, and significantly aid in differential diagnosis. Potentially, future metabolic signatures may offer the following benefits: (1) This study aims to identify markers that can be used to predict, diagnose, and provide information about the progression of various diseases. (2) It also aims to understand the molecular mechanisms that cause diseases. (3) By analyzing metabolic pathways, this study can help classify diseases and stratify patients based on their metabolic profiles. (4) Additionally, it can identify biomarkers that indicate how a patient will respond to a specific treatment, which is known as pharmacometabolomics. (5) This highlights the synergistic relationship between pharmacometabolomic and pharmacogenomics as potent instruments for precision medicine. They will offer valuable insights on topics such as sample acquisition and preservation, the selection of effective omics technologies, and important considerations regarding data collection, analysis, and dissemination. We strongly recommend collecting and storing samples for precision medicine studies that will address the requirement for thorough metabolic phenotyping research.

Keywords: Metabolomics Metabonomic Pharmacometabolomic Pharmacometabolomic Precision Medicine Personalized medicine




How to Cite

“Precision Medicine is Made Possible by Metabolicomics: "A White Paper,Community Perspective”. (2024). The Cancer Research Review , 2(3), 1-11. https://the-crr.com/index.php/Journal/article/view/25